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(submitted for peer review) Marenko, B. ‘Nonknowledge in Computation. Reflecting on Irrevocable Uncertainty’. Technophany. Special issue on Computational Creativity. Anna Longo ed.  


Peer-reviewed article. Nohara, K., Marenko, B. and Salani, G. ‘Hacking hearts: establishing a dialogue in art/science education’ Leonardo 56,1. 

Book section. Marenko, B. ‘Positioning: Future Philosophical Pills’ in Design Futures Literacies Vol. 1 Practices and Prospects. Andrew Morrison ed. Creative Commons: CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 FUEL4Design / Oslo: Oslo School of Architecture and Design (AHO) pp.146-161.



Book section. Marenko, B. ‘Powers of Unknowing and Not-Knowing’ in Design Futures Literacies Vol. 1 Practices and Prospects. Andrew Morrison ed. Creative Commons: CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 FUEL4Design / Oslo: Oslo School of Architecture and Design (AHO) pp. 315.


Book section. Marenko. B. ‘Doing Design Futures Inquiry Through Metaphorical Thinking’ in Design Futures Literacies Vol. 2 Essays and Reflections. Andrew Morrison ed. Creative Commons: CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 FUEL4Design / Oslo: Oslo School of Architecture and Design (AHO) pp 496-499.



Book section. Marenko, B. and Lange, S. ‘Reflecting Our Pedagogies’ in Design Futures Literacies Vol. 2 Essays and Reflections. Andrew Morrison ed. Creative Commons: CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 FUEL4Design / Oslo: Oslo School of Architecture and Design (AHO) pp 122-127.




Essay. Marenko, B. 'In Praise of the sublime-pharmakon'. The Blue, the Pink, the Immaterial, the Void exhibition catalogue.  

Austrian Cultural Forum London. pp 99-102 



Peer-reviewed article. Marenko, B. ‘Hybrid animism. The sensing surfaces of planetary computation’ New Formations: a journal of culture, theory and politics 104/105. Special issue: Animism in a planetary frame. Philip Dickinson and Sam Durrant eds., pp.183-197. 


Peer-reviewed article. Marenko, B. ‘Stacking complexities: reframing uncertainty through hybrid literacies’ Design and Culture 13, 2, pp.165-184.


Peer-reviewed article. Marenko, B. ‘Stay alert to the toolification of experience. The technocratic shift is here’ Social Design Institute, University of the Arts London. Position Papers series.


Peer-reviewed article. Marenko, B., Traganou, J. and Adams, B. eds. Special issue: Design in the pandemic. Dispatches from the early months. Design and Culture 13,1.



Book chapter. Marenko, B. and Haselager, P. ‘Marx in the smart living room. What would a Marx-oriented approach to smart objects be like?’ in Marco Rozendaal, Betti Marenko and Will Odom, eds. Designing smart objects in everyday life. Intelligences, agencies, ecologies. Bloomsbury, pp.169-184.



Book chapter. Rozendaal, M., Marenko, B. and Odom, W. (2021) ‘Introduction’ in Designing smart objects in everyday life. Intelligences, agencies, ecologies. Bloomsbury, pp.1-24.


Book chapter. Marenko, B. ‘Future-crafting: the non-humanity of planetary computation, or how to live with digital uncertainty’ in Susanne Witzgall, Marietta Kesting, Maria Muhle, and Jenny Nachtigall, eds. Hybrid ecologies. University of Chicago Press / Diaphanes, pp. 216-227.


Tr. In German Marenko, B. (2020) ‘Zukunftsgestaltung: Die Nichtmenschlichkeit der planetarischen Berechnung oderwie mit der digitalen Ungewissheit zu leben ist’ in Susanne Witzgall, Marietta Kesting, Maria Muhle, and Jenny Nachtigall, eds. Hybride Ökologien. Diaphanes AG, pp. 234-247

Book chapter. Marenko, B. in conversation with Martin Ávila ‘The idea that we can design an ecology is something to be wary of’ in Hybrid ecologies. University of Chicago Press pp. 241-249


Tr. In German Marenko, B. in conversation with Martin Ávila (2020)‘Wir sollten uns vor der Vorstellung hüten, eine Ökologie designen zu können Im Gespräch mit Martín Ávila und Betti Marenko’ in Hybride Ökologien. Diaphanes AG, pp. 261-270


Marenko, B. Times out of Joint 1: The Inventory. (Tempi Scardinati 1: L'Inventario) in George Barker and Rathna Ramanathan eds. Post-Pandemic Reflections. Central Saint Martins, UAL pp. 22-29



Edited volume. Marenko et al. Becoming hybrid. Transdisciplinarity at the crossover of science & technology and art & design. Tokyo Institute of Technology and UAL.


Book chapter. Marenko, B. ‘Algorithm magic. Gilbert Simondon and techno-animism’ in Simone Natale and Diana Pasulka, eds. Believing in bits: digital media and the supernatural. Oxford University Press, pp. 213-228.


​Conference proceedings. Marenko, B. and Benqué, D. ‘Speculative diagrams: experiments in mapping YouTube’ RTD - Research Through Design Conference. Science Centre, TU Delft.



Book chapter. Marenko, B. ‘The un-designability of the virtual. Design from problem-solving to problem-finding’ in Gretchen Coombs, Andrew McNamara and Gavin Sade eds. UnDesign: critical practices at the intersection of art and design. Routledge, pp. 38-53.



Conference proceedings. Marenko, B. ‘FutureCrafting. A speculative method for an imaginative AI’ AAAI: Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence, Spring Symposium, Stanford University, pp. 419-422.




Book chapter. Marenko, B. ‘Filled with wonder. The enchanting android from cams to algorithms’ in Leslie Atzmon and Prasad Boradkar eds. Encountering things. Design and theories of things. Bloomsbury, pp.19-34.



Book chapter. Uncertainty, contingency and material intuition: a research framework for minor design in Manola Antonioli ed. Biomimétisme: science, design et architecture. Éditions Loco, pp 31-43.



Peer-reviewed article. Marenko, B. and Van Allen, P. ‘Animistic design: how to reimagine digital interaction between the human and the nonhuman’ Digital Creativity 27,1. Special issue: Post-anthropocentric creativity. Stanislav Roudavski and Jon McCormack eds., pp. 52-70.



Book chapter. Marenko, B. ‘Digital materiality, morphogenesis and the intelligence of the technodigital object’, in Deleuze and design. Edinburgh University Press, pp. 107-138.


Book chapter. Marenko, B. and Brassett, J. ‘Introduction’ in Deleuze and design. Edinburgh University Press, pp.1-30


Peer-reviewed article. Marenko, B. ‘When making becomes divination: uncertainty and contingency in computational glitch-events’ Design Studies, 41. Special issue: Computational making. Terry Knight and Theodora Vardoulli eds., pp. 110-125.


Conference proceedings. Marenko, B. and Van Allen, P.  Reimagining Interaction Through Animistic Design. Participatory Innovation Conference (PIN-C) Conference Le Hague



Peer-reviewed article. Marenko, B. ‘Neo-animism and design. A new paradigm in object theory’ Design and Culture 6, 2. Special issue: Design, thing theory and the lives of objects. Leslie Atzmon ed., pp. 219-242.



Conference proceedings. Marenko, B. ‘Contagious affectivity. The management of emotions in late capitalist design’ Negotiating futures, design fiction. 6th Swiss Design Network Conference, University of Basel, pp.134-149.



Conference proceedings. Marenko, B. ‘Now I can feel myself! The production of affects in the visual discourse of psycho-pharmaceuticals’ in Hackney, F., Glynne, J. and Minton, V. (eds) Networks of design. Design history society conference. University College Falmouth, pp. 94-99.



Peer-reviewed article. Marenko, B. ‘Object-relics and their effects: for a neo-animist paradigm’ MEI Médiation and Information 30-31. Special Issue: Objets & communication. Bernard Darras and Sarah Belkhamsa eds. l’Harmattan, pp. 239-253.



Book chapter. Marenko, B. ‘The eyes are trapped: Dario Argento’s The bird with the crystal plumage’, in Marketa Uhlirova ed. If looks could kill. Cinema's images of fashion, crime and violence. Koenig Books with Fashion in Film Festival pp. 52-59.



Edited volume. Marenko, B. ed. DIY survival. There is no subculture, only subversion. C6 & OpenMute.




Monograph. Marenko, B. Segni indelebili. Materia e desiderio del corpo tatuato. Milano, Feltrinelli.



Monograph. Marenko, B. Ibridazioni. Corpi in transito e alchimie della nuova carne. Roma, Castelvecchi.

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